Some contributions in The Creative Critic spilt off the pages of the book and can be found here. The ever-expanding range of digital technologies at our disposal today offer alternative ways of responding, prompting changes in the ways that scholarly writing happens, opening up new processes of collaboration and experimentation. As text becomes unfixed from the page and other media gain equal weight, the act of writing as a means of inquiry and presentation, becomes a choice.

Angelika Bammer and Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres discuss this in their book The Future of Scholarly Writing: 'the emergence of new media and digital technologies confronts us with the obvious (but often ignored) fact that writing is not a given, but an option. The question then becomes why choose it?' (2015: 10).

Exciting examples of this kind of digital work can also be found in The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) and the associated documentary database Research Catalogue; SenseLab, an international artistic network and the associated Inflexions:A Journal for Research Creation. There is also Greg Ulmer's notion of the Mystory which, as a web-based research tool/form, prioritises a non-linear journey beginning with a sense of not-knowing in the maker and 'reader'.